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Sis. Patricia Palmer, President


William Sampson Brooks

Women's Missionary Society

The Torch Lighters

We are women who have been blessed to serve over 25 years as life members of the Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Current members pictured left to right are: (seated) First Lady Pamela Gaddy, Pat Francis (treasurer), Pat Elvoid, Alice Clemmons (1st Vice President and Life Member), Queen Catherine Williams (Worship Director), Mary Madison (Past President and Life Member), Michele Clemmons (Co-YPD Director)

(standing) Frances Colston, Pat Palmer (President), Annette Walker (Corresponding Secretary), Pamyla Stewart, Rev. Dr. Frederick Gaddy (Pastor), Tyger Conner (YPD Co-Director), Peggy Gassberry-Jenkins (Recording Secretary), Vickee Adams.

Not Pictured are: Teree Caldwell-Johnson (2nd Vice-President), Sonia Lewis (Historiographer), Carolyn Kirschbaum, DeLoris Wolder and Rebecca Morrison

 As women called to discipleship to grow in knowledge and experience of God through Jesus Christ, committed to support the mission of the Church, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are challenged to help one another to engage in ministry and action and grow and respond in faith to God’s redemptive plan for the church, the Society and the world. Join us as we strive in Christ to improve Global Health, Healing, Hope and Human Dignity.
Mission Statement:
We are called to strengthen our faith and sent to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by service and witness in the world. The Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) is an international faith-based, NonGovernmental Organization (NGO), granted Special Consultative Category II Status in 1985 in partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The WMS is composed of over 800,000 members located across four continents in thirty-two countries. We are in the forefront of works of mission, at the head of the Church, operating from the highest level within each of twenty Episcopal Districts and reporting to every meeting of the General and Annual Conferences.
 As the Women’s representational entity of the AMEC nationally and worldwide, the WMS has a record of 131 years of service committed to winning souls to Christ, health, economic, peace and justice issues. The WMS hosts an annual conference at the United Nations every October at which members of the various agencies and components of the United Nations offer workshops and seminars on current global issues. The WMS has established a Foundation to support education through scholarships and social and economic development for the diversified constituencies we are privileged to serve.

A Proper Tea










If you were unable to make it to St. Paul’s William Sampson Brooks Women’s Missionary Society’s Gospel Jazz Tea, you missed a good time of fun, food and fashion. This year’s event was held at Hoyt Sherman Place, in itself, a beautiful venue in Des Moines, IA. The table settings were splendid as always, delicately set with flowered tea pots, tiers of tea sandwiches and an array of delicious teas and desserts. Pastor Frederick Gaddy welcomed more than a hundred young ladies and women that joined us for this elegant afternoon event.


Chairperson, Pamela Gaddy, shared the theme and purpose of the occasion expressing the excitement of having women from across the city take part in the Women Helping Women Worldwide Mission outreach. Sister Jackie Martin highlighted the accompanying scripture, Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the things he planned for us long ago. Sister, Alice Clemmons lifted the event in prayer and tea was served. Through creative expressions, presenters showcased their talents through poetry, dance and song. Maya Angelo’s poem, A Phenomenal Woman was performed by Rev. June Owens, and thirteen-year old, Isabella Clemmons read an original poem entitled, Reflections of a Woman. Mother and daughter liturgical dancers, Chrissy Brown and Toffara Newman flowed softly and effortlessly about the room to gospel song, Heal the Land . In addition to the presenters, guests were entertained by the group Fred Gaddy, Jr. & Friends. The trio’s delivery of a wonderfully played mixture of gospel and jazz ignited the crowd and added greatly to the ambience. Lines quickly formed as guests in all their finery paired up to make lasting memories of the occasion with photographer, Byron Jones.


Throughout this special afternoon of fellowship, guests offered their generous support to assist women struggling in impoverished districts of Trench Town, Jones Town, and Denham Town, Jamaica. Their compassion, concern and encouragement were contagious as purses and wallets were opened and donation envelopes were filled. Host and Missionary President, Sister Patricia Palmer, thanked everyone for their continued support for global missions we provide each year. The close of the event came much too soon for many of the guests, as they continued to share hugs and selfies with friends they had not seen over the years.


Is it no wonder tickets are sought after? It is a time for reconnecting with old friends, making new acquaintances, and relaxing in an atmosphere of warmth and celebration.


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